John Ramsay Counselling in Edinburgh & Online

Reiki. dkm

Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also brings about healing. It is administered by laying hands on, or if wanted, near the body and is based on the belief that an unseen life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive: if our life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Treatment unblocks the energy which causes us to feel unwell or lacking in energy and boosts our life force energy, promoting health and wellbeing.

A treatment feels like a glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. Reiki can be received as a treatment by a therapist, or, you can learn to do it yourself in a class, so that you can practise Reiki on yourself or on others .

Benefits of Reiki

improved mood

greater clarity

improved sleep

improved digestion

reduced anxiety

reduced pain

reduced discomfort

A Reiki treatment takes place with the client lying fully-clothed on a massage table with a covering blanket while the therapist lightly places their hands in a sequence of positions on the front then back of the body. This lasts for an hour during which the client will usually feel more and more relaxed.

I have been a Reiki Healing Practitioner since 1995 and am a Reiki Master Teacher and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher.
I have recently also trained in Jikiden Reiki which is Reiki as it was originally practised in Japan in the 1930s. Before World War II, Reiki was very popular in Japan, with more than one million people using it regularly for their physical and psychological health.
Jikiden Reiki is pure, simple, and very effective & has over 65 years of experience behind it

A typical Reiki session

It is a relaxing experience and sensations can vary from feelings of warmth and peace to rumblings in the stomach. The process of healing causes energy to move in a way which allows for more balance - and health - in the body and mind. The Reiki therapist acts as a conduit for the healing energy. However, the inner intelligence - some may call "spirit"- of the person receiving healing will determine how much energy is drawn and where it goes. It will always go first to the area of greatest need.

The number of sessions needed depends on the nature of the presenting need. Longstanding issues may require a number of treatments whereas one or two sessions are often effective in bringing balance and renewed vigour to a tired or stressed person.
If the issue is of a longstanding nature it is recommended initially to come for three sessions in a row to allow the healing process to work deeply. Thereafter, depending on how things proceed, once every two weeks or once a month may be the best option until the issue is resolved.
Some of the issues that can be helped by healing:

Pain Illnesses Migraines ME MS Chronic Fatigue Skin issues Cancer Immune system deficiency Thyroid imbalances Stomach imbalances Menstrual imbalances Prostate issues Backache

Distant Healing is performed when the client is not physically present. This can happen because at an energetic level (where healing takes place) there is really no separation between anybody or anything in existence. This type of healing is as equally effective as an in-person healing because in complementary energy healing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of an person by connecting with the individual’s energy body. With intention, it is possible for a distance healer to connect to the energy body of a person from anywhere on earth and does not require you to be physically present with the practitioner.

At present I offer Reiki by distance healing. Prior to the session, we would have communicated by email or phone as to the nature of your request for healing.
I also offer Enkaku or distance psychological healing with a technique used in Jikiden Reiki. This can benefit issues such as nervousness, addiction, breaking a bad habit. The Japanese used it successfully to treat children's bedwetting issues amongst other things.

At the start of the session we would tune in over Skype, discussing how things were for you. I would then start the healing. It is recommended that you are in a place in which you cannot be disturbed and are lying down, if possible.

Throughout the session the Skype connection would be kept and at the end of the session we would talk about how you were feeling and discuss your experiences of your healing.

As with in-person energetic healing, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water for up to a day after a distance session. This is to flush out any toxins which may have been released by the healing.

Reiki, Jikiden Reiki, £45 for 60 minutes. Distance healing sessions costs either £45 for 60 minutes or £30 for 30 minutes.
£90 for 3 pre-booked sessions for any of the three therapies.
£10 reduction for children (up to and including age 14), people age 65 and over, students (on production of card), disabled and unwaged.

To book a Reiki session please click here

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